Cataract Surgery and Ocular Surface Disease

By Sanghamitra Burman, MD, FRCS
To maximize the outcomes of cataract surgery in patients with ocular surface disease, surgeons should take these five fundamental steps: (1) identify patients who are at risk for exacerbation of ocular surface disease, (2) optimize tear film stability preoperatively, (3) minimize intraoperative dry eye with an appropriate surgical plan, (4) maximize outcomes with aggressive postoperative management to restore surface integrity, and (5) try to ensure long-term maintenance of the ocular surface. SENSE
Surgical Alternatives to Capsular Tension Rings

By Kyeong Hwan Kim, MD, and Wan Soo Kim, MD, PhD
A standard capsular tension ring may not supply sufficient support in cases of profound or progressive zonular insufficiency such as advanced pseudoexfoliation or Marfan syndrome. One alternative technique is to remove the lens through a small incision, without breaking the anterior vitreous face, and then suture an IOL to the sclera. Strategies to Help Ensure a Low Enhancement Rate

By Stefanie Schmickler, MD
The pressure on ophthalmic surgeons to meet patients' expectations continues to grow. A premium IOL may be one way to achieve the visual goals of select patients.
DNA Test Detects Corneal Dystrophies

By John Marshall, PhD, FMedSci, FRCPath (Hon)
Granular corneal dystrophy (GCD) can lead to a devastating postoperative course after refractive surgery and eventual blindness. Refractive surgery may be contraindicated in patients with GCD, because it can exacerbate the incidence of corneal opacity. The Avellino DNA Test for LASIK Safety (Avellino) can detect the presence of the genetic mutations that cause GCD and identify whether a person carries the GCD1 or GCD2 genetic mutation.