• Who do you consider to be some of the great innovators in the past decade and why?
• Who has shown great potential to contribute heavily to the field of ophthalmology in the years to come and why?

William Bond, MD, FACS
• Bond Eye, Peoria, Illinois
When I think of innovators in ophthalmology, the first to come to mind is Guy M. Kezirian, MD, MBA, FACS. Dr. Kezirian founded and heads the Refractive Surgery Alliance. No one else had the vision or organizational skills to bring together the top refractive surgeons in the world into a coherent group without commercial input. Additionally, David F. Chang, MD, has been a great innovator and contributor to ophthalmic surgery in the past decade through his influential presentations on complex surgery. His different style of presentation, lack of commercial bias, and willingness to discuss his own complications have made his presentations unsurpassed for their insights and their practical use.”

Larissa Camejo, MD
• Jupiter Medical Center, Jupiter, Florida
I consider my mentor, Robert J. Noecker, MD, to be one of the greatest innovators in ophthalmology of the past decade. During my fellowship, we always aspired to find a new, better way to treat patients. For example, we routinely closed conjunctiva with fibrin glue at a time when most surgeons only sutured, and we implanted tubes into the sulcus space with an ab interno approach using retinal instruments. Dr. Noecker’s combination of surgical skills, confidence, and ability to calmly improvise in the OR proved to be valuable in my formation as a cataract and glaucoma surgeon. I also believe that Laura M. Periman, MD, has been a strong voice in developing treatment approaches for dry eye disease, and I expect her to continue contributing to the field in years to come.”

H. Burkhard Dick, MD, FEBOS-CR, PhD
• University Eye Hospital, Bochum, Germany
Ophthalmology has had a large number of innovators over the past few years, and we owe all of them gratitude. One outstanding innovator is John Marshall, MBE, FMedSci, PhD, DSc, FRCPath, FRSB, FRCOphth(Hon), FRCOptom(Hon), FARVO. With the introduction of the excimer laser, he basically refounded refractive surgery. Another outstanding pioneer is Gerrit Melles, MD, PhD. It is hard to believe that perforating keratoplasty—the leading corneal transplant technique for almost a century—has been replaced in some specialized clinics by the much less complication-prone lamellar techniques like Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty that Dr. Melles has invented. Finally, I believe that Tara Moore, PhD, will have a positive impact on ophthalmology in the years to come. Her research into the genes that cause blindness is amazing.”

David A. Goldman, MD
• Goldman Eye, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
I consider John P. Berdahl, MD, and Malik Y. Kahook, MD, to be the greatest innovators in ophthalmology in the past decade.Their innovative approaches to the treatment of glaucoma could ultimately change the way all physicians treat the disease.”

Jennifer Loh, MD
• Loh Ophthalmology Associates, Coral Gables, Florida
I think Boris Malyugin, MD, PhD, is one of the great ophthalmic innovators of the past decade. He created a device that is easy to use and solves the common but frustrating problem of operating on an eye with a small pupil. His eponymous device is widely known and used worldwide by many surgeons. I also feel that Gary Wörtz, MD, has the potential to contribute heavily to our field. Within his first 10 years of practice, he has created a company, Omega Ophthalmics, to launch his own invention that could change the current IOL landscape as we know it.”

Constance Okeke, MD, MSCE
• Virginia Eye Consultants, Norfolk, Virginia
John D. Sheppard, MD, MMSc, and Stephen V. Scoper, MD, are two ophthalmologists I highly respect, admire, and consider innovators in the field of ophthalmology over the past decade. Their successful approach of the MD-OD model works seamlessly to create a mutually respectful and amazingly symbiotic relationship that also has the patients’ best interests in mind. Additionally, Davinder S. Grover, MD, MPH, has shown great potential to contribute heavily to the field of ophthalmology in the years to come because of his development of novel surgical techniques, in addition to designing surgical instruments and consistently exhibiting displays of leadership and passion for education.”

Gregory D. Parkhurst, MD, FACS
• Parkhurst Nuvision, San Antonio
Over the past 3 decades, perhaps no ophthalmologist has taught us more than Roberto Zaldivar, MD, about the long-term benefits of refractive surgery. Due to these advantages, and the active-lifestyle limitations of spectacle lenses, refractive surgery is destined to become the default solution for refractive error sooner than we think. Following in the legacy of his father, Roger Zaldivar, MD, MBA, is the ophthalmologist I believe has the most potential to contribute heavily to ophthalmology and continue the Zaldivar history of excellence. His use of telemedicine, along with his generosity, charity foundation for the poor, and spirit of collaboration, will accelerate the process of delivering the benefits of refractive surgery on a mass scale.”

Ehsan Sadri, MD, FACS, FAAO
• Atlantis Eyecare, Newport Beach, California
Many names come to mind when I consider the greatest innovators in the field of ophthalmology. One of the key people I believe has helped revolutionize eye care is William Link, PhD. Mr. Link has been involved in the acquisition of major companies and the development of key strategies in ophthalmology. Additionally, I believe Visionary Ventures is a pioneer in advancing the field and harnessing technical knowledge to help enhance future products.”