Mitchell A. Jackson, MD
Which procedure did you undergo, and what technology was used?
I underwent LASIK in both eyes for myopia in 2000. The procedures were performed with a Visx excimer laser (now Johnson & Johnson Vision) and a microkeratome from Moria.
Were you satisfied with your outcomes?
I was and am still extremely satisfied with my outcomes.
Why or why not?
I no longer have to deal with contact lenses during long surgery days, working out, traveling, etc. I was becoming contact lens–intolerant, so, for me, LASIK saved the day.

Allon Barsam, MA, MBBS, FRCOphth
Which procedure did you undergo, and what technology was used?
I underwent LASIK with a femtosecond laser.
Were you satisfied with your outcomes?
I was delighted with my outcomes.
Why or why not?
This was a life-changing surgery for me. I now have much better vision than I had with glasses or contact lenses.

Robert K. Maloney, MD
Which procedure did you undergo, and what technology was used?
I underwent LASIK with an Automated Corneal Shaper (Bausch + Lomb; no longer available) and a Nidek excimer laser.
Were you satisfied with your outcomes?
Yes.Why or why not?
For 2 decades after the surgery, I had 20/15 UCVA. After 20 years, I still enjoy 20/20 UCVA.

Karl G. Stonecipher, MD
Which procedure did you undergo, and what technology was used?
I underwent LASIK in both eyes in 2002 with the Intralase platform (now Johnson & Johnson Vision) and the Wavelight FS200 (Alcon).
Were you satisfied with your outcomes?
I was totally satisfied with my outcomes.
I have plano vision in my dominant right eye with 20/15 UCVA, and -1.00 D in my left eye with 20/40 UCVA by design. I am old and can read, and yes, I have halos, but I am otherwise perfect. I water-ski, snow ski, wave surf, regular surf (or try to), and hunt dove, quail, and duck.

Dan Z. Reinstein, MD, MA(Cantab), FRCSC, DABO, FRCOphth, FEBO
Which procedure did you undergo, and what technology was used?
I underwent LASIK with Presbyond Laser Blended Vision performed with the MEL 90 excimer laser (Carl Zeiss Meditec)
Were you satisfied with your outcomes?
I was very satisfied with my outcomes.
Why or why not?
I have great vision at all distances from a 10-minute LASIK procedure that was very low risk, very accurate, and had no side effects.