Sightpath Medical, a provider of mobile and fixed ophthalmic surgical solutions, has launched its new mobile femtosecond laser for cataract service. Called MoFe, this service suite will include a femtosecond laser, an intraoperative wavefront aberrometer, and a certified laser engineer, offered on a stop-fee and variable-cost basis. A nationwide roll-out is planned throughout this year, according to the company.
“With our new MoFe service, high capital costs and technology risks are no longer barriers for surgeons to access this new market of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery,” said Jim Tiffany, president and CEO of Sightpath.
The company has long provided high-technology devices for ophthalmology and uses a patented air-ride and climatecontrolled system to transport its equipment. According to the company, its current fleet includes more than 200 femtosecond, excimer, wavefront-guided, Nd:YAG and selective laser trabeculoplasty lasers, as well as a staff of certified laser engineers and technicians. Surgeons can have access to the very latest cataract surgical equipment, instruments, and supplies, where and when they need them.
“The decision to partner with Sightpath Medical for our femtosecond laser program was a simple one,” said David Dillman, MD, of Dillman Eye Care Associates. “I've worked with them for a number of years and have always enjoyed the company's ability to embrace new technologies and new techniques.”
According to Joel Gaslin, vice president of sales and marketing for Sightpath, “An ophthalmologist needs to perform 47 femtosecond laser-assisted cataract procedures a month to fully leverage their capital investment. When 65.3% [data on file with Market Scope] of ophthalmologists do fewer than 50 standard cataract cases per month, you can see how Sightpath Medical's MoFe suite of services is a viable option for a bulk of the industry.”