Five Pearls Every Cataract Surgeon Must Know About Dry Eye
By Leslie E. O'Dell, OD, FAAO
Philosophies used in glaucoma care can be applied to the management of patients with ocular surface disease. A review of the history of glaucoma and the challenges faced in defining, diagnosing, and treating the disease may help to enhance our understanding of ocular surface disease.

Five Pearls Every Cataract Surgeon Must Know About the Retina
By Dennis P. Han, MD, and Teodoro Evans, MD
It is important that surgeons be aware of implications for the retina when performing cataract surgery. Use five pearls for successful outcomes in patients with retinal disease.

IOL Power Calculation After Refractive Surgery
By Giacomo Savini, MD
An increasing number of patients who have undergone corneal refractive surgery are now developing cataracts. Understand five fundamental principles of IOL power calculation to optimize the results of cataract surgery and IOL implantation after corneal refractive surgery.

Bag-to-the-Wall Technique for a Subluxated Lens
By Cyres Keiki Mehta, MS(Ophth), MCH(Ophth)
The bag-to-the-wall technique can be helpful in eyes with ectopia lentis for any number of reasons such as blunt trauma, Marfan syndrome, or Weill-Marchesani syndrome. A small capsulorhexis as central as possible is the cornerstone of this procedure. Because the technique is essentially an assisted in-the-bag implantation, the lens is very stable, and as a result, iris chafing and lens tilt are not seen.