1. Sunday, June 2, 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM: “Quality of Vision and Aberration Control in Refractive Surgery.” Brian Boxer Wachler, MD (course director), Ronald Krueger, MD; Daniel Durrie, MD; Jack Holladay, MD; Lee Nordan, MD; and David Evans, PhD, will present their latest results concerning diagnosis and treatment of aberrations after refractive surgery.
2. Monday, June 3, 8:00 AM: “Disabling Glare and Halos after LASIK.” This case presentation encompasses significant spherical aberrations resulting from large pupils and high myopic correction.
3. Tuesday, June 4, 8:17 AM: ?Wavefront-Assisted Real-Time LTK.? Dr. Boxer Wachler discusses the latest advances with the Sunrise LTK procedure allowing real-time refractive monitoring during the LTK procedure itself.
4. Tuesday, June 4, 3:31 PM: “Intacs for Keratoconus.” This discussion is an update on a large cohort of patients with keratoconus following implantation of Intacs for visual improvement.
1. Saturday, June 1, 1:17 PM: ?Low Ultrasound Power During Phaco Chop With the Sovereign System Using WhiteStar Technology.? Lisa Brothers Arbisser, MD, will demonstrate the extremely low time and levels of power possible with this technique in a large number of cases.
2. Saturday, June 1, 3:00 PM: ?Comprehensive Strategy for Unplanned Vitrectomy Technique for the Anterior Segment Surgeon.? In the rare event of posterior capsule rupture and vitreous prolapse or loss, it is useful to have an action plan and a logic tree at your disposal to engineer the optimal outcome. Definition of stages, detailed analysis of components of surgery, as well as video examples will be included in this comprehensive review. This course places emphasis on the pars plana approach for the anterior segment surgeon.
3. Monday, June 3, 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM: Panelist for phacoemulsification techniques in session 3-D.
4. TBA: Booth lecture (Alcon):”Experience With the Single-Piece Acrylic SA60 AT Intraocular Lens.” Dr. Brothers Arbisser will discuss her experience with this lens since its FDA approval in routine and complicated cases, placing emphasis on pseudoexfoliation syndrome and refractive error stability.
1. Saturday, June 1, 8:17 AM: ?The Effect of HydroEye With Omega Fatty Acids on Tear Lactoferrin.? Frank A. Bucci, MD, Jr, demonstrates that by taking the HydroEye nutritional supplement prior to LASIK, tear lactoferrin was increased 40% in a cohort of 24 LASIK patients.
2. ?The Effect of Silicone Punctal Plugs on Tear Lactoferrin Following LASIK.? (Poster available Saturday, June 1) In this poster presentation, Dr. Bucci will discuss the results of this investigation. The placement of a silicone punctal plug in the lower lid of one eye immediately following LASIK caused a 15 to 20% higher tear lactoferrin level in the plugged eye versus the unplugged fellow eye within 1 day following the procedure.
3. Saturday, June 1, 1:59 PM: ?Hyperopic Refractive Lensectomy With the Array Multifocal IOL.? Dr. Bucci will review relatively impressive postoperative UCVA results at both distance and near. The data also demonstrate how postoperative astigmatic keratotomy can maximize the patient's uncorrected visual performance.
4. ?Myopic Refractive Lensectomy With the Array Multifocal Implant.? (Poster available Saturday, June 1) Dr. Bucci will present a poster demonstrating that myopic patients can have success with the multifocal implant procedure. This poster also addresses the controversial risk of retinal detachment when axial myopes have refractive lensectomy.
5. Saturday, June 1, 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM: ?Dry Eye in LASIK: Preoperative Evaluation and Prevention.? Dr. Bucci will summarize his ideas regarding the treatment of dry eye following LASIK during this symposium.
1. Saturday, June 1, 8:38 AM: “Can Brunescent Lenses Be Emulsified With ‘Cold' Phaco?” Dr. Chang will discuss his results in 30 consecutive 4+ brunescent nuclei successfully emulsified with the Sovereign WhiteStar System and a vertical phaco chop technique.
2. Tuesday, June 4, 7:30 AM: ”Rescue of Descending Nuclei with Viscoat PAL.” David Chang, MD, and Richard Packard, MD, discuss their results using this technique in a consecutive series of eight cases of posterior capsule rupture with nucleus still present in the posterior chamber or vitreous. Unlike the original posterior-assisted levitation technique with a metal spatula, as described by Charles Kelman, MD, this technique involves injecting Viscoat via a cannula through a pars plana sclerotomy to float and manipulate the nucleus into the anterior chamber.
1. Tuesday, June 4, I:00 PM to 2:30 PM: (Session 1-G) “LASIK/Wavefront.” Y. Ralph Chu, MD, will be a moderator for the LASIK/Wavefront Session.
2. Tuesday, June 4, 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM: “LASIK Video Grand Rounds: Complications Management.” Instructors will present their most interesting and complex LASIK complications. Each instructor will present a video along with the postoperative management of his or her most interesting LASIK case over the last year. Participants will have an opportunity to interact with the faculty through question and answer discussions. (Dr. Chu is the course director.)
3. Tuesday, June 4, 10:24 PM: “Safety, Efficacy, and Predictability of Amadeus Microkeratome in Bilateral LASIK.” This discussion involves recent clinical data using the customizable features of the Amadeus microkeratome. Dr. Chu will present the influence of different variables on flap thickness.
4. Tuesday, June 4, 1:00 PM: Symposium: “Physician and Administrator—Lively Debate on Management Dilemmas.” This session is a symposium in which physicians, administrators, attorneys, and a consultant provide the benefit of their experience with practice management concerns. There will be a scenario concerning comanagement and a scenario concerning informed consent, in which Dr. Chu will participate.
1. Sunday, June 2, 10:17 AM: “Postoperative Changes in Accommodation and Refraction With the C&C Vision AT-45 Accommodating IOL.” The AT-45 IOL has been shown to provide accommodative changes sufficient to allow good uncorrected near acuity in patients who also have excellent uncorrected distance acuity. The accommodative abilities of these patients may actually improve with time. Steven Dell, MD, prospectively implanted bilateral AT-45 IOLs to study changes in these variables with up to 1 year of follow-up. Results will include monocular and binocular measurement of uncorrected distance acuity, uncorrected near acuity, distance-corrected near acuity, add necessary to see J1+ at 16 in, and objective wavefront demonstration of accommodative changes postoperatively.
2. Monday, June 3, 1:10 PM: “Effects of Plume-Aspirating Fixation Rings on Refractive Outcomes and Health Implications for OR Personnel.” The use of plume-aspirating fixation rings has been reported to reduce the incidence of DLK. Nomogram adjustments are required to compensate for the added efficacy of ablation with rapid plume removal. Dr. Dell retrospectively reviewed the results of LASIK cases with various plume removal systems to determine the effect on the variables above. Results will include day-1 UCVA, month-1 UCVA and BCVA. Striae, DLK, epithelial ingrowth, and other complications will be discussed, along with an assessment of the issue of plume release into the OR environment. Nomogram adjustments necessary with various systems will be quantified.
Sunday, June 2, 2:27 PM: “Reducing Sensar OptiEdge IOL Self-Adherence to Improve Forceps Insertion.” Hydrophobic acrylic lenses are well recognized to self-adhere in the folded position during forceps insertion. Steven Dewey, MD, has found that coating the Sensar with cohesive viscoelastic at the beginning of the case allows for nearly complete avoidance of self-adherence during IOL insertion as it takes place approximately 4 minutes later. The specific instruments and key points for improving forceps insertion success will be discussed. In addition, a videotape will be offered that will outline a manual technique of cataract removal through a 3.0- to 3.5-mm incision without the use of automation or aspiration. The patients involved had successful outcomes comparable or superior to those achieved with automation. Although the visual improvement was not as immediate, this technique may be useful for situations when automated systems fail, or when nuclear density is not an issue.
1. Tuesday, June 4, 8:00 AM: “Custom LASIK, Part I: Fundamentals of
Wavefront Analysis and Wavefront-Guided Ablation.” (Part II is Course 4206) John Doane, MD, will discuss aspects of normal and abnormal wavefronts, population normals, how wavefront is obtained, and what a waveprint tries to describe.
2. Tuesday, June 4, 8:00 AM: “LASIK Video Grand Rounds: Complications Management.” In this session, Dr. Doane will provide an in-depth discussion of a specific complicated case and its management.
3. Tuesday, June 4, 10:00 AM: “Custom LASIK, Part II: Clinical Comparison of Wavefront-Guided Ablation Systems” (Part I is Course 4106). Dr. Doane will describe the VISX Wavefront Analysis System, waveprint capture, software program to calculate treatments and actual treatment of the corneal tissue.
4. Friday, May 31, 4:31 PM to 4:39 PM “EyeWorld Symposia, Wavefront Diagnostics, Outcomes and New Technology Symposia.” Wavefront Assessment: Case Examples in Today's Practice.” Dr. Doane will explain three to five cases with clinical data of wavefront analysis with the VISX WaveScan.
5. Friday through Tuesday: C&C (running loop video all day): At the C&C Speakers Forum at the C&C Booth, Dr. Doane will discuss his personal experience with this accommodating IOL.
1. Friday, May 31, 12:50 PM: ?Using Wavefront Diagnostics in My Clinical Practice.? Wavefront aberrometry has expanded the sophistication of diagnostic technology available to clinicians. Wavefront is extremely valuable in cases of poor best-corrected vision, postoperative visual disturbances, evaluating the need for enhancement procedures, as well as providing the objective measurements necessary for ?customized? laser treatments.
2. Sunday, June 2, 1:00 to 4:30 PM: “LASEK: Indications and Technique.” Advanced surface ablation (aka LASEK) is a valuable tool to any refractive surgeon, and should be utilized as such. Patients with thinner corneas, large pupils, and occupational or recreational hazards that put them at risk for flap trauma or basement membrane dystrophies can all benefit from surface ablation. Techniques used for advanced surface ablation will be discussed in this course.
3. Sunday, June 2, 1:59 PM: “LASEK Using the LADARVision Platform.” Surface ablation was performed using conventional LASEK and PRK techniques based on subjective refraction with the LADARVision system. Improved patient experience and outcomes are obtained with the optimization of the LASEK procedure. The LADARVision platform provides masking of the epithelial flap, and precisely centered ablations with registration and tracking capabilities that are essential to optimal outcomes.
4. Monday, June 3, 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM: “B&L Zywave—Process and Results.” Bausch & Lomb's Zyoptix is the only customized laser to utilize both wavefront and topographic data. Zyoptix combines data from a Hartmann-Shack aberrometer with data from the Orbscan II topography unit to drive the ablation of the Technolas 217z laser. Clinical results from the FDA trial will be presented in this course.
1. Monday, June 3, 2:10 PM to 2:55 PM: “Current State of the Art in Cataract and Lens Surgery.” I. Howard Fine, MD, will summarize the new technology that makes cataract surgery more effective and accurate, along with improvements and innovations in IOLs that enable surgeons to address all components of patients' refractive errors.
2. Monday, June 3, 10:33 AM: ?New Perspectives in Cataract and Refractive Surgery.? Dr. Fine will discuss his research in both cataract and refractive surgery modalities. Utilizing new technology for both cataract and refractive surgery, Dr. Fine has been able to achieve increasing patient satisfaction with his results.
3 Monday, June 3, 6:30 PM: “New Phacoemulsification Modalities” (ASCRS film festival submission) Produced by Dr. Fine and coproduced by Richard S. Hoffman, MD, and Mark Packer, MD, this video demonstrates segments of multiple new phacoemulsification modalities, including laser and ultrasound/sonic systems that result in substantial reductions of energy into the eye with enhanced safety and control.
4. Sunday, June 2, 2:00 PM to 2:20 PM: “Phacolaser: Is the End of Ultrasound Near? The Best in Advanced Phacoemulsification.” Dr. Fine will speak about comparative studies on new phacoemulsification technology.
5. Saturday, June 1, 3:05 PM to 3:15 PM: “Making the Transition from Ultrasound to Erbium:YAG laser Phacoemulsification.” In this session, Dr. Fine will discuss the potential advantages and technical challenges of laser phacoemulsification, including a complete review of the US FDA-monitored clinical investigation. Faculty members will describe their personal techniques and results with the erbium: YAG laser.
1. Saturday, June 1, 8:10 AM: ?Refractive Stability of Two Intraocular Lens Styles.? Warren Hill, MD, will discuss a prospective, randomized study that compared a three-piece acrylic IOL with PMMA haptics (MA60BM, Alcon), and a single-piece acrylic IOL (SA60AT, Alcon). One hundred lenses were implanted in each arm of the study. A continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (smaller than the optic diameter, round, and centered), phacoemulsification, and in-the-bag IOL placement was performed on 200 consecutive eyes.
2. Saturday, June 1, 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM: ?Optical Biometry and IOL Calculation Pitfalls.? Dr. Hill's section is titled ?Strategies for Highly Accurate Refractive Outcomes Using Optical Biometry.? Optical coherence biometry (OCB) with the Zeiss IOLMaster represents a fivefold increase in axial length measurement accuracy over conventional A-scan ultrasonography.
3. Saturday, June 1, 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM: ?Successful Strategies for Highly Accurate Refractive Outcomes Using the SA60AT Single-Piece Acrylic Intraocular Lens.? Because the Alcon SA60AT single-piece acrylic intraocular lens lacks vertical (z-axis) rigidity, the surgical technique and the refractive outcome are inexorably linked. It is now becoming known that the capsulorhexis is the defining portion of the surgery when using this lens, with the ideal configuration being that the capsulorhexis is round, smaller than the lens optic, and centered.
4. Sunday, June 2, 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM: “IOLs for Challenging Eyes: Practical Solutions and Strategies.” Dr. Hill's section is titled“Best Formulae and Calculation Methods When Routine IOL Calculation Methods Fall Short.” He will review the best measurement techniques and methods for intraocular lens power calculations, in the setting of high to extreme axial hyperopia, posterior staphylomata, prior retinal detachment with scleral buckle, silicone oil, and extreme axial myopia.
1. Saturday, June 1, 1:00 PM: “LASIK in Eyes With Previous Surgery: A Practical Approach, Indication, Technique, Possible Complications, and Their Management.” A. John Kanellopoulos, MD, is the director of this advanced course for LASIK surgeons focused on his experience with LASIK in eyes with corneal grafts and/or eyes that have had previous retinal surgery with scleral buckles, eyes that are status post-radial keratotomy, and in pseudophakic eyes.
2. Sunday, June 2, 11:06 AM: “The Initial Clinical Experience With Accommodating IOLs After Cataract Surgery.” Dr. Kanellopoulos will discuss his initial experience utilizing the HumanOptics acrylic foldable intraocular lens following routine cataract surgery and the postoperative accommodative effect recorded in a series of 12 consecutive eyes. Both the surgical technique, the postoperative results, and pros and cons of this technique will be discussed.
3. Tuesday, June 4, 1:59 PM: ?Comparison of Pre- and Post-LASIK Higher Aberrations with the Wavelight and Allegretto Wave Laser.? In this session, Dr. Kanellopoulos will discuss the measurement of preoperative as well as postoperative high-order aberrations utilizing the Allegretto wavefront analyzer in about 300 consecutive cases that underwent LASIK with the Allegretto-Wave Excimer laser (Wavelight, Erlagen, Germany) and the M2 microkeratome (Moria, Antony, France).
1. Sunday June 2, 1:03 PM: ?The Use of Single-Piece Acrylic Intraocular Lenses to Reduce Postoperative Complications.? Harold Katz, MD, and R. Adler, MD, discuss PCO, a well-known postoperative complication of intraocular lens placement. Additionally, postoperative inflammation and alterations in refractive stability can undermine desired postoperative outcomes. The single-piece acrylic IOL was developed to reduce these postoperative complications.
2. Sunday, June 2, 3:52 PM: “Management of Epithelial Ingrowth Following LASIK Enhancement with Serial Corneal Topography and Histopathologic Correlation.” Dr. Katz and Gerami Seitzman, MD, evaluate corneal topography, histopathology, and surgical technique in the setting of bilateral severe epithelial ingrowth after a bilateral LASIK enhancement.
1. ASCRS Film Festival (continuous): “BD-K3000, and HydroLASIK With a New Forceps.” This video describes a simple yet effective method of flap construction that utilizes the delicate, curved and highly polished spatula blades of a LASIK Flap Forceps to lift but not grab the flap in one maneuver. Following LASIK, the flap is then reliably repositioned with a jet of chilled irrigation into its original position, reducing the risk of flap complications.
2. Tuesday, June 3, 8:00 AM: ?First International Symposium on the Surgical Correction of Presbyopia—State of the Art.? Today's modern advances in the field of refractive surgery with excimer laser surgery, and the implantation of intraocular lenses, has all but eliminated myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Attendees will be able to compare and contrast the prevailing strategies in the surgical treatment of presbyopia.
3. Sunday, June 2, 2:00 PM: Session 2-N: ?Evolution in IOL MicroInjection Technology.? Advances in incision technology have allowed cataract surgeons to push the limits of operating through smaller than 2.5-mm microincisions. One of the drawbacks of these microincisions is the difficulty in inserting an IOL. This study was undertaken to analyze existing injection methods for IOLs and to create a new standard by which to insert an IOL through a corneal microincision.
4. Saturday, June 1, 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM: ?Nonpenetrating Deep Sclerectomy Collagen Implant and Viscocanalostomy.? This course will demonstrate how-to methods of nonpenetrating trabeculectomy with viscocanalostomy, implantation of gels and collagen drainage devices, and the surgical approaches, new advances, and ways to incorporate these techniques into the armamentarium of every surgeon.
5. Sunday, June 2, 4:00 PM: “Healon 5: Seven Steps to MicroIncision Cataract Surgery.” (Pharmacia booth lecture schedule) This presentation will outline seven steps to effectively incorporate Healon 5 into the microincision cataract procedure. The addition of Healon 5 to the surgeon's armamentarium advances an already state-of-the art procedure, minimizing risks and improving outcomes.
1. Sunday, June 2, 3:00 PM: “Management of Difficult and Complicated Cataracts.” Cataracts associated with phakic refractive lens implantation require techniques slightly different than primary senile cataract surgery. The techniques will differ depending on the type and location of the refractive lens. A cataract associated with a soft, posterior chamber phakic refractive lens such as the ICL may be managed in its early stages simply by removing the implant and hoping to stall further cataract formation. If the cataract is removed at the same time, the incision necessary to remove the implant is roughly the same size as a desired phaco incision.
1. Monday, June 3, 2:06 PM: “Incorporating LADARWave Custom Cornea Wavefront Technology Into Clinical Practice.”
2. Tuesday, June 4, 8:31 AM: “Wavefront Analysis of Microkeratome-Induced Aberrations.”
1. Sunday, June 2, 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM: “Variations in Laser Ablations.” (Stephen S. Lane, MD, is the moderator of this session.)
2. Sunday June 2, 1:52 PM: ?Risk Factors and Incidence of Epithelial Defects During LASIK.?
3. Sunday June 2, 3:52 PM: ?True 3.0-mm and Sub–2.0-mm Single-Incision Cataract Surgery Using AcrySof Single-Piece IOLs.?
4. Monday, June 3, 8:00 AM: Panelist: ?Electronical Medical Records.?
1. Friday, May 31, 11:55 AM to 12:15 PM: CME Symposium. This session is sponsored by an education grant from Alcon: Program Chair is Stephen Brint, MD.
2. Friday, May 31, 11:00 AM to 2:30 PM: “Update on Clinical Results With LADARWave.“
3. Saturday, June 1, 8:05 AM to 8:50 AM: “Update on Wavefront-Based Excimer Laser Surgery.” Clinical and Surgical Staff-Nursing program per Mary Preston.
4. Saturday, June 1, 9:00 AM to 9:15 AM: “ Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis Made Easy.” Instructor: Paolo Vinciguerra, MD; coinstructor: Dan Epstein, MD.
5. Saturday, June 1, 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM: “PRK and LASIK Nightmares: Prevention, Management, and Pearls for Vision Quality Improvement” Matteo Piovella, MD; coinstructor: Paolo Vinciguerra, MD.
1. Saturday, June 1, 3:31 PM: ?Changes in the Eye's Aberrations After Cutting a Corneal Flap.? Cutting a corneal flap with a microkeratome increases the eye's
higher-order aberrations in a nonsystematic fashion across patients. Though there is a slight tendency for spherical aberration to increase across patients, the vast majority of spherical aberration induced in post-LASIK patients is due to the laser ablation and not the flap cut.
2. Sunday, June 2, 11:06 AM: ?Effect of Corneal Decentration on Refractive Surgery Outcome.? Eye movements seem to be roughly distributed around the central axis in both directions. Based on our data at a 30 Hz sampling rate, an eye tracking system with a 1-Hz closed-loop bandwidth could compensate for most corneal decentrations. The most problematic of these during LASIK are relatively slow drifts in eye position. The eye movement data can be used to estimate the aberrations induced by decentration and their influence on retinal image quality.
1. Saturday, June 1, 12:15 PM to 12:45 PM: (Allergan booth) “A Conservative and Successful Approach to Array Implantation.”
2. Saturday, June 1, 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM: ?International Video Symposium of Challenging Cases and Complication Management.? This course highlights leading surgeons around the world who present their most difficult cases.
3 Saturday, June 1, 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM: B&L Innovators Lecture Series “Challenging Cases in Cataract Surgery.”(B&L booth)
4. Sunday, June 2, 9:06 AM: “Managing Posterior Capsular Problems with New Technology.” This paper presents convincing laboratory and clinical evidence that the Alcon single piece acrylic intraocular lens and silicone tip provide unparalleled safety in the intraoperative management of the posterior capsule
5. Monday, June 3, 8:24 AM: “Phakic Implantation of a Black Intraocular Lens.“ This discussion will describe the implantation of a black IOL into the eye of a patient with leukocoria.
1. Saturday, June 1, 1:00 PM: Implantable Contact Lens Course: ICL: Three-Year Canadian Experience. Louis Probst, MD, will describe his experience with over 150 ICL implantations preformed over the last 3 years. The refractive results and the complications, including anterior subcapsular cataracts, will be discussed. Digitized videos will describe surgical techniques and complications management.
2. Tuesday, June 4, 8:00 AM: ?Custom LASIK I Course: Zyoptix Custom LASIK.? In this session, Dr. Probst will discuss his experience in Canada with over 200 Zyoptix custom LASIK procedures. The learning curve for wavefront LASIK will be described, as well as the tricks learned to achieve the best outcome. Fundamentals of the testing and the custom ablation creation will be reviewed.
3. Tuesday, June 4, 10:00 AM: Custom LASIK II Course: ?Zyoptix: Properties and Comparison to Other Systems.? The properties and the latest modifications of the Zyoptix system will be discussed, including the latest software and hardware updates. Advantages and limitations of the current system will be reviewed. Dr. Probst's personal experience in Canada with over 200 Zyoptix custom LASIK procedures will be discussed.
4. Saturday, June 1, 1:00 PM: Symposium: ?Complications of LASIK, Thin LASIK Flaps? (con side of debate). The disadvantages of the intentional creation of thin LASIK flaps will be discussed. The complications associated with thin flaps, as well as the variability of flap thickness with the current microkeratomes, will be reviewed. Controversies with the corneal thickness for LASIK will also be discussed.
5. Tuesday, June 4, 8:00 AM: LASIK Video Grand Rounds: “Fragmented Flap: Management.” The presentation and management of a fragmented LASIK flap will be presented and reviewed with the surgical videotape for the corrective procedure.
Tuesday, June 4th, 1:00 PM: “Wavefront Analysis in Clinical Practice.” John A. Vukich, MD is the instructor; additional faculty members are Daniel S. Durrie, MD; David R. Hardten, MD; Colman Kraff, MD; Terrence P. O'Brien, MD; Steve C. Schallhorn, MD; and Stephen G. Slade, MD. This course will discuss all aspects of the newest technology in wavefront analysis of the human eye, as well as the diagnostic, therapeutic, and custom ablation applications of wavefront technology.
1. Sunday, June 2, 8:00 AM: ?Presbyopia Treatment by IOLs.? In this course, Carlos Vergés, MD, will discuss the significant aspects on mechanisms of accommodation and presbyopia physiopathology. The intraocular lens range currently available for the presbyopia correction will be revised, and a comparative analysis will be made between the different bifocal and multifocal lens as well as with the accommodative or progressive lens.
2. Monday, June 3, 8:59 AM: “Minimally Invasive Cataract Surgery With a Cool Ultrasound System.” The results obtained in cataract surgery with the micropulsed ultrasound White Star system will be presented. The comparative study between the different conventional ultrasound systems shows a significant reduction of the energy used, and also a reduction of endothelial cell count loss, from 6.4% to 2.1%. The advantages of this minimally invasive surgical technique are discussed.
3. Tuesday, June 4, 10:31 AM: “Laser-Assisted Deep Sclerectomy.” This study shows the results obtained after 2 years performing this technique on a group of 58 patients affected with POAG. The conclusions show successful results with IOP normalized at 6 months postoperatively in 83%, and at 2 years postoperatively in 76% (without the need of glaucoma medication).
Monday, June 3, 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM: “PRELEX (Presbyopic Lens Exchange).” This course will cover important aspects of the PRELEX procedure, such as patient selection and counseling, refractive lens surgery, and successful adjustment of the multifocal IOL patient to a new visual system.
Innovations | May 2002
ASCRS Preview (Part 2)
Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today asked several editorial board members and other top surgeons to preview some of their lectures and courses at the upcoming ASCRS meeting on June 1st through the 5th in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Please note that due to space constraints, all speakers' information may not be included. Presenters' names are listed alphabetically.